Composing Music
Composing music is a need of all musicians, yet composing music haunts the minds of beginner and professional composers alike. For me, it requires inspiration. Inspiration is the wine that feeds the thirst of a composer. Along with inspiration, the secret behind how to compose good music is to give a structure for your idea and then adding precision whether you are composing on a piano, six-string guitar, bass guitar, percussion instruments, or woodwinds.
Let me begin by saying that your inspiration marks or establishes you as a composer. Inspiration defines your work and leads you to compose. In short, it is the crucial spark that encourages you to do something. Inspiration and emotions go hand in hand. That is, things, people, places, and experiences that cause you to feel strong emotions, either positive or negative, tend to be excellent sources of inspiration. Music can be happy, upbeat, dreary, menacing, angry, and so on.
Structuring Your Ideas
What are the instruments that you would like to use for your composition? Would it be guitar, piano, bass, or drums? The answer to all these question lies in giving form to your ideas. You should be aware of the best way to express your idea with precision. A definite concept should be portrayed in your work. Arranging your ideas must include knowing how many movements you want your instrumental piece to be divided into. This step will give a practical touch to your composition.
Precision and Details in Music Composition
To compose like a maestro, you have to be able to nitpick for details. You should think about the duration of each instrument when you include several instruments in your instrumental. Also, you should consider how many times the chorus is to be repeated or how you will connect various choruses. To put it together, you should view your piece through the eyes of a realist.
To compose an instrumental piece, you should first let your passion or inspiration flow through your work. Making a blue-print of your ideas will give your composition the kiss of a realist. Finally, review your work as an orthodox critic would see it, smoothing out all the rough edges. If you narrow it down, composing music is a creative process, which can only start from your heart. Before you follow any of the above steps, take a deep breath and enjoy the charisma of music.
Nadel Paris is a recording artist, musician, music producer, songwriter, dancer, published author, screenwriter, and her music is a mix between different styles: Dance, EDM, Pop, Urban ...etc. Nadel Paris has a warm very distinct sound, amazing voice, beauty, humility and maturity that will strike you all at once as soon as you meet her.
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